With the Datenpool, you can not just upload and share documents, you can also find all the documents in no time: Various intuitive filter functions allow a quick selection of documents and with the full-text search, they can be searched for specific terms. With individual keywords, files can be quickly and easily categorized and with personal post-it you can organise your own filing structure.

Schlagwörter zur schnellen Suche im Datenpool


For each document any keywords can be assigned by which the you user can filter and sort documents. To find relevant information quickly and easily, your keywords are visualized in tag clouds. So you are always just a click away from your desired document.

Filtern und Sortieren mit dem Datenpool


The Datenpool provides you with a variety of intuitive filter functions. You can filter documents, plans, or correspondence by designation, date, or author, and view workflows by status. Additionally, it is also possible to search within a specific time window and to further refine the search result.

Volltextsuche im Datenpool


The full-text search returns all documents containing one or more searched terms. All attached files will be searched for text and included in the search result. For a quick search result, all search functions can be combined.

Function: Find-instead-search-in-Datenpool

With its innovative search capabilities, the Datenpool provides unparalleled convenience in document and plan search – with maximum flexibility. Because all search functions can be combined with each other. Practical detail: Search functions, which have already been carried out once, can be easily saved as a bookmark and are available later at any time with just one mouse click!